Saturday, June 16, 2012

Like Home

Yesterday, we had to portage around a dam in Little Falls, MN. On that particular day of the year, we found, they have a festival in honor of their beautiful dam.

It may be that the festivities had this river town in a particularly hospitable state, but we were welcomed, and sent off, as adventurer heroes. Brad, Katelyn, Floyd, Cris and all her kids, Darrel the Can Man, and many many others, all helped to make a lasting impression.

I can't thank the community of Little Falls enough for the HUGE encouragement.


  1. You two were an inspiration to many here in Little Falls. We are very glad to have met you! Good luck and we hope you reach your goal!

  2. :) just went down to the dam and brad said I wonder how those 2 are doing with all the rain. They opened all the spill ways again. Hope you 2 are well.
