Saturday, June 9, 2012

River Domination

Day 9 was the first day we set an alarm, we were determined to make some miles.

7:30 couldn't have come sooner, as Crazy James' Point was the least hospitable campsite thus far. Clouds of mosquitos offered free acupuncture and the overnight downpour left our gear more than damp.

We entered the river without cleaning or organizing anything in the boat (a big no-no in my book). There was no other choice though; as one can only inhale so many mosquitos while trying to do the dishes. On the river 5 minutes behind schedule, I'd say we were doing pretty well.

Got a great jump on the day. We made progress while preparing the gear for travel on the river rather than land.

Our first leg yielded 27 miles with a few stops to refuel and rehydrate.

We decided to push ourselves and paddle another 17 miles downriver to the Pokegama Lake Area Dam, cruising in as the sun dipped.

We met Trinity and Jessica at the campground, and they offered us a ride to restock our food. Clutch!

It seems that morale level directly correlates to food availability; especially during the long hauls.

Sure the Dam had great people, campsites, and stars, but it held one more great treasure, showers.

A bar of soap and a dip in the river will only get a man so clean. So we spent some much needed time scrubbing and buffing ourselves up to par.

Jane and I slept in on Day 10 to catch up on our beauty sleep.

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