Sunday, February 12, 2012


It is so easy for me to become focused on myself, to see the world as a cost-benefit analysis of my current happiness.  In this effort to gain some kind of control over my environment, it becomes so hard to not become cinical.  I start to believe, if only for a while, that others should care about me as much as I do. 

This self-focus is a way of looking at the world, one that seems so narrow to me. Yet, of course, I can slip into it often without a notice. 

The opposite of this view, I believe, is wisdom.  Wisdom is seeing the world the way God sees it, or moving closer to this vantage point.  This is to see others, God, and ourselves, as what we truely are, and loving.  Once I put God in his place, and myelf in my place, somehow the need to control  this momentary happiness fades, and the eyes of my soul turn outward.

Wisdom is the first, and most important, of my five core values.

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