Friday, February 17, 2012


Progress -

My last core value.

'Success is steady progress towards one's goals.' - Jim Rohn

Constantly working towards what you really desire in life can be tough. Especially if you don't know what THAT is. Once you figure out what you want, you must experiment to obtain it.

If you go down one path, and find it dead ends or leads somewhere you don't want to be, that's okay. Cut your losses, backtrack, and find the next path. But don't quit.

You will find what you're looking for, usually right after you were about to give up.

The universe works in mysterious ways, and should you ask it for something, with enough effort, time, and sweat, that which you seek will produce itself.

Not always in the most obvious ways, but it will come.

The Canoe to the Future journey so far has produced paths which we originally thought were direct, only to find a massive cliff at the end.

It has challenged our personal beliefs, our ideas on community, and most of all our will.

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