Tuesday, February 21, 2012

"The Art of Non-Conformity" by Chris Guillebeau

For a while now, I have had a growing sense of urgency.  And I think only recently have I been able to name it.  This sense of urgency comes from the desire to live a life of purpose.  No longer can I work for nothing more than a paycheck, striving for the Zion that is retirement.  At this point, I don't even want to "retire" in the traditional sense.
Guillebeau, in "The Art of Non-Conformity, discusses how to achieve that freedom.  Far from becoming independently  wealthy, he champions a sustainable lifestyle, chasing after what is really important.  This requires some serious introspection, and moving beyond fear, especially the fear of failure.
As I read this book, it met me right where I was, with an open and honest message.  This is exactly how I hope the Canoe to the Future project will be for followers, something that others can relate to. The question I ask myself, and any reader of this blog : Are you ready to jump face first into a life redefined?

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