Sunday, November 6, 2011

Canine for Hire

 It's hard to say much about the newest member of the Canoe to the Future crew.  She is a dog. That much we know.  Beyond that is just guess work. 

For starters, the first year of her life is a complete mystery.  Picked up by the Indianapolis Humane Society in February of 2010, she had been hanging around a pawn shop parking lot for a few weeks.  When the authorities finally caught up with her, she had evaded the best that current dog-catching technology had to offer. The intriguing thing is, though, that on the day she was finally "caught," she came right up to the official and jumped in the car, shotgun.  This dog follows her own scent.

Today, this black-furred un-collared canine stays at the home of Luke Taylor and his wife, but its been clear from the start that she could easily ditch these humans and find her own way. She hasn't said a word about her life on the streets, and no one expects her to, but the look in her eye says it all. Its unmistakable.  She was born for adventure.

Those who know her well, know her as 'Calamity Jane.' To everyone else, she is just 'Jane.'

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