Friday, October 28, 2011

True North

It is pretty clear that the Mississippi travels mostly south.  So as far as which direction to paddle goes, I think we can leave our compasses at home.  If we get lost, we can just sit for a second, and the current will take us where we need to go. 
If only real life were that easy. Actually, it could be that easy, if you don't mind being swept away into other people's dreams.  It seems nowadays you have to have clear picture of what it is that you are chasing after or you can get distracted by life's constant marketing ploys.
I reject this inner-tube mentality. Where as long as you have a cooler of beer floating next to you, you're willing to let the current take you just about anywhere. 
This is where we are with this epic adventure that we have dubbed 'Canoe to the Future.' Yes, it started as an idea conceived in adventure and birthed from stagnation of the status quo.  But the idea has yet to grow, to mature, to find a current to paddle against.  This is destined to be a life changing adventure for us, and hopefully for all those who are along in spirit, but how will this small operation change the world of the future?

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