Monday, October 3, 2011

The Birth of an Idea

Although Craig Loss and Luke Taylor won't start canoeing until the summer of 2012, the journey started several years ago...

 While roommates at Purdue University, Craig and Luke where on an adventuring streak.  Whilst conquering the ever-present Everest that is the campus female population, these two adventurers  sought glory in action. Luke and Craig, along with any crew of fraternity brothers that dared, found their glory through many adventures, home and abroad. A yearly trip to Southern Indiana limestone quarries for some cliff-jumping was a quick fix for adrenaline. It became clear, though, that while near-death thrills are great, they were nothing compared to the thrill of living a life of purpose and meaning.  Without a doubt, their greatest challenge will be one that tests not only their daring, but also endurance and will.
The idea for canoeing the great Mississippi came on a weekend of canoeing the humble Brandywine in Greenfield, Indiana.  Although on this occasion, it seemed as though this humble creek had grown a pair;  Flood waters raged.  The sum total of canoe experience of all parties involved neared zero.... and our determined band of brothers couldn't have been happier.  Despite the challenging conditions, and several tipped canoes, the idea of a life-defining canoe trip emerged.

The Mississippi...

  The planned launch date is June 1st, 2012, but there will be many obstacles to be hurtled leading up to this date. This blog is going to be a chronicling of Luke Taylor, Craig Loss, and the journey of a lifetime.  Come back periodically to see how they are progressing.


  1. Luke!

    This is looking great. Good job!!

    1. Craig! We did it brother! Thanks for canoeing down the Mississippi with me. That was really awesome. Jane says hi.

  2. you 2 have no fucking chance.. the sharks in the mississippi will eat you alive.

  3. Hey fellas, this is Nick the guy you met at the bar that canoed to New Orleans last summer. Hit me up if you want to talk river. nbbennet@gmail
