Thursday, March 1, 2012

Why Not?

Do IT!!

Whatever IT is that you've wanted. When are you going to wake up and say, "I'm not showing up today." I'm not showing up for the same, mundane, groundhoggy daily experience. Today is going to be different. I'm going to affect my world, not have it affect me.

When are you going to chase your dreams?

Today is as good as any. The time may not be ideal, but when is it? In a year you say? What is going to change in your life by then?

Will you have new friends and parted with your old ones? Will your values change, or more importantly, will you change your values, actions, and beliefs to affect a more positive world around you?

You have to start somewhere, so figure out what you really want in life and chase it.

Why is not the question to ask.

Why not is.

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